Parental Controls in Gaming Console

Parental Controls in Gaming Console

UX Research Project

Date: February 2022

Role: UX Research Assistant (client discussion, protocol development, notetaking during session, data analysis, report creation, readout)

Project Goals:

  • Collect user feedback on the various conceptual features included in the Stargate Parental Console from both parents and their gaming children.

  • Evaluate general interest and concerns related to the Stargate Local Gaming Server.

Why is this important?

  • As parents are the buyers, it is essential to let them know the tools, that are available to monitor the time their children are playing games on the console and know the value it brings to them.

  • Children, as users would have feelings about the parental controls available on the gaming console, which are valuable to note.


  • 16 Participants - 8 sets of parent and child

6 - Casual gamers ( 3 parents, 3 children )

8 - Hardcore gamers ( 2 parents, 6 children )

2 - Non-gamers ( parents )

  • 1.5 hours in-person interview

  • Each pair of parent and child were interviewed together when providing general feedback about the gaming console. They were interviewed separately when they gave feedback about parental controls.

Data Collected:

  • Extensive qualitative data was collected from the interviews.

  • Likert scale questions were asked to assess the interest of parents and children in owning the console and to rate the level of parental control.


  • Parents found that the parental controls provided them with a variety of tools that would help them keep their children safe while also providing opportunities to engage with them.

  • Parents focused heavily on restricting access of their children to unknown players rather than restricting their children from playing games.

  • Children in the study were mostly accepting of the parental control concepts (even when some of them found it to be too much) except for the live gameplay look-in feature.

  • There is a need to have another round of research after resolving current concerns pointed out by users.


E2E Redesign | UX Design


Concept Evaluation | UX Research