Concept evaluation

UX Research Project

Date: March 2022

Role: UX Research Assistant (client discussion, protocol development, notetaking during session, data analysis, report creation, readout)

Project Goals:

Receive feedback on the following new concepts to evaluate perceived value:

  • Supercharger

  • Intelligent Collab Hub

  • Ultramobile dock

Conduct an evaluation of Business End User’s day to understand where they are working, the devices they use, what pain points they experience, and any areas where their workflow could be improved.

Why is this important?

The study helps the client gauge the value of the concept technologies in the user’s workday. It is an important study to undertake in the concept phase, to prioritize projects.

User journey also gives a clear understanding of how users navigate their workday and the technology they use in different situations while working in the office, at home, or in a hybrid scenario.


In-person, 90-minute, 1-1 interview with the researcher.

End Users were interviewed about their workday and helped create their own user journey.

In the second part of the session, they were given the new concept narratives and asked to provide feedback. 

Participants - 15 Business End Users were recruited – representing a mix of in-person/office workers, hybrid workers, and remote workers.

Data Collected:

We collected data on how users used technology to accomplish their tasks at work throughout the day. We used post-it notes and interacted with them actively as they created their own user journey.

Then we explained three new concepts and gathered feedback, perceived pain points, and high points of those concepts. The three concepts were introduced in a counterbalanced manner.


We created a user journey, which helped our clients to understand how users use technology at work and could use the new concepts.

The Supercharger and the Ultramobile Dock were thought to be mobile solutions that users could pick up and take with them; in contrast, the Intelligent Collab Hub was thought to be a fixed solution.

Iterative testing is recommended as concepts are more fully developed and when prototypes are available, to ensure they meet user needs and expectations.


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